Fort Assiniboine School Week at a Glance Dec. 17-21, 2018
Wow, what a great Christmas concert! Exceptional, exceptional teamwork and it all comes together every year.
Mon. Dec. 17 – the most aromatically pleasing day of the year (turkeys cooking, yum!)
- White Elephant Sale in music room (… about ½ hour per class)
- Ex. 2-2:30 Grade 5&6; 2:45 – 3:15 Gr. 1&2; 3:15 – 3:45 Gr. 3&4
- Kindergarten, Jr. High and anyone who forgot money can go tomorrow
- Ex. 2-2:30 Grade 5&6; 2:45 – 3:15 Gr. 1&2; 3:15 – 3:45 Gr. 3&4
Tues. Dec. 18 – Whole School Turkey Dinner today
- Grade 3&4 participating in “Holidays Around the World” at 9:00
- Assembly in gym at 12:00 for turkey dinner
- Students may stay in hallway and sing Christmas Carols with Mrs. Dekker
- Thank yo Woodlands County for doanting the Turkeys for our Christmas School Family Dinner
- White Elephant Sale 2:45 – 3:45 for Kindergarten, Jr. High, and anyone who forgot
Wed. Dec. 19
- Bus Driver Appreciation in Library at 10:00
- Jr. High Basketball teams travelling to Athabasca – depart at 9:15, return approx 3:30
- After School FCSS Christmas Craft at Rec Center
Thurs. Dec. 20
- Virtue Awards and Green & Gold draws for Nov. & Dec. at morning assembly
- Girls lunch room 4 12:15-1pm (Christmas Gift Exchange)
- Kindergarten to Gr. 6 Movie in Gym from 1:00 – 2:30 (Arthur’s Christmas)
- Santa in Library 2:00
Fri. Dec. 21 – Sun. Jan. 5 Christmas Break
Make sure we take time to take care of ourselves. Relax, recharge, and enjoy quality time with loved ones.