Fort Assiniboine School Week at a Glance Dec. 3-7, 2018
Mon. Dec. 3
- Noon activity – hockey grade 5-9 on the tennis court
- Jr. High PE Floor Hockey Game 7 today! Caker Bakers vs Wyman
Tues. Dec. 4
- Roots of Empathy moved to morning
- Jr. High setting up stage today
- Whole school Christmas concert practice at 1:15 in gym
Wed. Dec. 5
- FCSS Youth Program skating after school
Thurs. Dec. 6
- Green and Gold draws at morning assembly
- Grade 3&4 participating in VC with University of Nebraska from 11-11:45
- 11 am Kinders and their buddies are baking cookies for the concert
- Pizza with the Principal at lunch
- Whole School rehearsal at 1:15 in gym
Fri. Dec. 7 – Bear Day