Fort Assiniboine School Week at a Glance Jan. 28 – Feb. 1, 2019
Mon. Jan. 28
- Jr. High Basketball travel to BCHS (parent drivers)
- Depart 2:45: Return approx. 5:15
- Boys and Girls Play at same time in different gyms 3:30 – 4:30
Tues. Jan. 29
- K-2 Dental Screen today
- School Council AGM at 7:00 pm in Room 4
Wed. Jan. 30
Thurs. Jan. 31
- Virtue and Green and Gold Awards at assembly
- Gr. 5&6 Basketball go to BES for games against BES and Swan Hills
- Depart at 12:15, return in time for buses
- Skating
- Jr High 1:30 – 2:30
- K – 4 2:45 -3:45
Fri. Feb. 1 – Bear Day
Sat. Feb. 2 – Family Trip to University of Alberta Basketball Game
- Open to all staff and their family members
- Open to grade 5-9 students and family members
- Gr. 6 and under must be accompanied by an adult
- $10 for students, $15 for adults (includes bus ride, ticket to game, and meet the players)
- Depart Fort School at 2:45 pm, return approx. 11:30 pm
- Bus has a limit of 46 passengers
- Please book by Wed. Jan. 30 to guarantee a seat