Fort Assiniboine School Week at a Glance March 18-22, 2019
Mon. March 18
- Minute to win it in gym 5-9 12:3-1
Tues. March 19
- Virtue Awards at Morning Assembly (Pizza with Principal on April 4)
- St. Patrick’s Day Buddy Lunch
- Noon hour game k-4 in gym 12:30-1
- Parent Council Meeting 7:00 pm (Room 4)
Wed. March 20 – Early Dismissal at 2:52
- Gr. 3&4 BFG movie and popcorn in Library
- FCSS Youth Activities at Rec Center 3-5:30 pm
Thurs. March 21
- Jr. High depart for Jasper Ski Trip at 4:00 am
- K-6 workshop with Ian Porteous – including learning Metis dances and maple syrup in the snow in the afternoon
Fri. March 22 – Sun. March 31 SPRING BREAK