Fort Assiniboine School Week at a Glance Oct. 15-19, 2018
Thankful for our parent volunteers who travelled to Ft. McMurray for 3 days (Oct. 8-10) to work at the Casino: Jenni and Danny Williams, Teresa Dekker, Twyla Johnson, Noreen Alkestrup, Charlene Szamosi, Steven and Fershell Brunen, Penny Price, and Jenna Hillmer.
Mon. Oct. 15
- 5-9 Yoga in music room 12:30-1
- Jr. High Girls Volleyball team departs for Barrhead at 3:00
- Games at 4:00, 4:45, and 5:30 (Barrhead A&B, Pembina North)
- Return to Fort approx. 7:00 pm
Tues. Oct. 16 – School Picture Day
- Drive Away Hunger Weigh-in at morning assembly
- K-4 Shark attack in school gym 12:30-1
- Rainbows level 4 room 4 1-2
- Roots of Empathy Family Visit 1-2pm
Wed. Oct. 17
Thurs. Oct. 18
- Last day for QSP Magazine fundraiser
- Rainbows Level 1 Kindergarten room 12:20
Fri. Oct. 18 – District Wide PD Day