Trickster Theatre


As many of you may have heard we will be hosting Trickster Theatre Residency Program for the week of February 18 to the 21. On February 21 we will be presenting a performance for the community to enjoy free of charge at 7:00 p.m.

Our students and staff will have a busy week prepping, planning, rehearsing  and then the final production , so we could really use your help. We have a link for volunteering to sign up and help us out for an hour or two. Volunteers needed are: Load in Crew (Tuesday morning), Prop Building (Tuesday Morning), General Volunteer for costumes and props (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday AM or PM) , Tech Rehearsal Assistant ( Friday afternoon and evening), or Load out Crew on Friday night after the performance.

Please follow the link below if you are able to help out.

Posted on: January 29th, 2025