Fort Assiniboine School Week at a Glance April 15-19, 2019
Mon. April 15
- Student Vote in Front Lobby
- 10:30 – 11:30 am
- Gr. 5-9 Easter Egg hunt at noon
- Rainbows Group after school (making pizza for tomorrow’s Mathletics celebration)
Tues. April 16 – Provincial Election Today
- Emily Assenheimer student teaching presentations
- Gr. 9 students High School orientation at BCHS
- 12:15 Pizza Slice and Ice Cream for all students to celebrate top 100 finish in Mathletics March Madness (#89 out of 890)
- K-4 Easter Egg hunt at 12:30 (
- Topsy Turvy Tuesday starts at 1:55
- Classes will move up a grade at 1:55 until 3:45
- Kindergarten goes to grade 1 with Mrs. Williams (regular recess)
- Grade 2 goes to grade 3 with Mrs. Payne (regular recess)
- Grade 4 goes to grade 5 with Mrs. Breitkreitz (regular recess)
- Grade 6 goes to Jr. High with Mr. Wyman (no recess, 5 min transition break)
Wed. April 17
- Jr. High Badminton Tournament at BCHS all day
- Walking Club starts today
- FCSS Youth programs after school
- Gr. 9 Parent Meeting at BCHS Drama Theatre at 7:00 pm
- Rainbows 12:30
Thurs. April 18 – dress up as your favorite musician/band
- Grade 3&4 Earth Day VC 11:00 – 11:45
- Elementary early snack and recess 2:15 – 2:30
- Girls lunch room 4 12:15
- Bach to the Beatles music presentation 2:30 in gym (K-9)
April 19 – 22 Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday – family time, rest/recharge