Fort Assiniboine School Week at a Glance Dec. 14-18, 2020
- It’s been a challenging year, but we’ve rocked it. The students are happy to be here, we have a safe, fun, and Christmassy learning environment! We have earned a break to rest, relax, and most importantly recharge. As with everything CoVid, Christmas will be different this year. We can still connect with loved ones, practice self-care, practice gratitude, and disconnect too.
Learning at Home Jan. 4-7
- Jr. High continue online with Google Classroom as before
- K-6 classes will receive paper packages with schedules
- Students are expected to complete all assigned work just the same as being in the classroom
- Teachers will check in with students regularly and be available to support students by phone or email
Mon. Dec. 14
- The hallways are going to smell delicious the next couple of days.
Tues. Dec. 15
- Hot Lunch Turkey Dinner (eating in classrooms in cohorts)
- White Elephant Sale starts today
- Limit of 10 people in room (including adults)
- Limit of 4 gifts
- Gifts will be wrapped in the hallway by parent volunteers
- Students must sanitize their hands before entering and avoid touching gifts unless purchasing
Wed. Dec. 16
- No PAWS today
- White Elephant Sale
Thurs. Dec. 17 – Dress in Red & Green
- Virtue Awards – (Pizza from the Principal will be on Jan. 14)
- Preschool Christmas Raffle winner drawn in office during noon hour
- Santa Visiting 11:45 – 2:00
- Last Day for White Elephant Sale 1-4 pm
Next Week & Beyond
- Jan. 4-8 Learning at Home for K-9
- Jan. 11 In person classes resume
- Student and Staff will be completing PHPS surveys in January
- Jan. 13 Gr. 3&4 online presentation with the “Tornado Hunter” in the gym
- Feb. 10 Gr. 1&2 online presentation with Telus World of Science
We received a TON of donations from the community for our White Elephant Sale! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!