Mon. March 4
- Morning announcements for students:
- New CTF Options begin today: Sewing and Badminton
- Congratulations to the Junior High Students for raising over $600 for their ski trip from their bottle drive on Friday! Thanks to everyone who donated and to the students who braved a cold day outside sorting bottles.
- Junior High Choir – 12:30 music room – Show is next week!
Tues. March 5
- Morning announcements for students:
- New CTF Options begin today: Music and Event Planning
- Elementary Choir at 12:30
Wed. March 6
- Morning announcements for students:
- Gr. 6-9 Choir Practice at 12:30
Thurs. March 7
- Morning announcements for students:
- Leadership meeting at 12:30
- Skating (#4 of 4 skating sessions)
- 9:30-10:30 am Gr. 6&7;
- 1:00 -2:00 pm Gr. 1&2 & Kindergarten
- 3-3:50 pm Gr. 3-5
Fri. March 8 – Bear Day
Information & Reflections from Last Week:
- Jr. High Basketball – Congratulations to our Jr. High Girls Basketball team who went undefeated after the first 2 games of the season! What a success story of motivation and perseverance!! The final tournament included 2 of the toughest wins the team ever faced. Tired, injured, nervous,… but they stuck together and did it! In the final game they were behind 20-19 with 3 minutes left. Lina scored one of two from the free throw line to tie the game and they hung on to go into a 3 minute overtime. Neither team scored for the first minute and a half. Then Isa was fouled and went to the free throw line. She had been practicing her free throws all season, usually missing, but came through when it counted to put the team up 21-20. Then, Lina would score an insurance basket to finish at the final buzzer 23-20. Pembina Hills champions looks good on you coach Spitzer and team!
- Parent Society AGM – our Parent Society Executive members remain the same: President – Meghan Koster; VP – Michyla Kerr; Secretary – Megan Petryshen, Treasurer – Jenny Kuelken
- Look for official minutes to be posted on our school website soon
- We discussed the breakfast program and how new funding will be utilized
- Executive has asked for a wish list from staff and students so that they can look for grants and target fundraising to our needs
Next Week & Beyond
March 11 – our 100th Day of School, Whole School Assembly at 3:25 for Music Festival Dress Rehearsal
March 12 – Barrhead Music Festival
March 11 & 12 – Celebration of Learning Meetings
March 13 – 14 Gr. 7-9 Ski Trip
March 14 – Pi Day – Parent Society finding donations of pie to be served at 2:16
Fri. March 15 – Teacher Directed Day –
Wed. March 20 -School Council Meeting @ 4:30 pm
March 21 – Progress Reports sent home for K-9
March 22 – April 1 Spring Break (no fooling about April 1, classes resume on Tues. April 2)
April 23 – Jr. High Badminton Tournament at the Westlock Spirit Center
May 1 – Science Field trip for Gr. 8&9
Wed. May 22 – School Council Meeting
May 24 – Gr. 6&7 going to Huestis Forest
- Check out all the pictures of our academic, athletic, and other activities on the Fort School FaceBook page