Fort Assiniboine School Week at a Glance Oct. 1-5, 2018
Mon. Oct. 1
- This month’s virtue is Thankfulness
- Diana DeGroot doing immunizations for Gr. 9 at 8:45 am
- SLT visit
Tues. Oct. 2
- Virtue Awards at assembly
- Terry Fox Run
- Depart for Thunder Lake around 10:00; park at boat launch
- Run starts at aprox. 11:00 from beach area
- Hot dogs, treats aprox 11:45
- 12-1 Playground time; soccer game with Dunstable for those interested
- 1-3:00 Teachers lead outdoor activities
- Gr. 5-9 Survival Game
- K-4 Activities at beach area and take turns on Voyageur Canoe
- Depart for Fort at 3:00
Wed. Oct. 3
- Student union meeting 12:30-1
- Rainbows level 4 1pm room 4
- Goal setting Meetings from 4:15 – 7:30
Thurs. Oct. 4
- Elementary Soccer tournament in Busby all day
- K-4 Fall scavenger hunt 12:30-1
Fri. Oct. 5 – Day in Lieu of interviews
Mon. Oct 10 – THANKSGIVING – No School
Happy Thanksgiving everyone – Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!